Thursday, October 4, 2012

Common Tread

Two weeks ago I went to see the Common Tread exhibition in the CSUF Begovich Gallery along with the Art History class I was in. The curators, Martha Rocha and Martin Lorigan, talked briefly about the exhibition and their road trip across America they took before starting this collection.
At the front of the gallery were walls stacked with framed photographs of what looked like vacation photographs. Pictures of people posing in front of monuments, pictures that wouldn't look out of place in a dusty old family album. There was a mockup of a billboard that served as the screen for a projection of a photo presentation of postcard designs made specifically for the event, they appear in the Common Tread title which itself is a postcard. In the middle there were a collection of artwork dealing with road trips and traveling, and at the back was a "garage", so the whole experience is like the road trip the exhibition is about. I especially liked one piece near the back of the gallery where you had to look through a thing in order to see the picture.

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