Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ken Feingold

This past Wednesday Sage did a presentation on the work of artist Ken Feingold, who was featured in our textbook. Feingold's If/Then piece, basically two robotic heads having a philosophical conversation about existence with each other, draws a lot of parallels with many popular science fiction tropes. Issac Asimov and Philip K. Dick explored the problems with consciousness in artificial intelligence... but really these talking heads reminded me of the video game Portal 2. Specifically with this turret. I'm not sure why, but after going through countless puzzles avoiding deadly yet loquacious automated turrets, and then encountering this "different" turret... I don't know. The idea of a truly artificial intelligence is bewildering to comprehend, right now we are still limited to faking it with prerecorded messages. What's the difference between a robot that is fully aware of itself and a robot that acts as if it's fully aware of itself, but isn't?

What's the difference between a human that is fully aware of themself and a human that acts like it is but really isn't?


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