Sunday, September 16, 2012

Daniel Canogar

Daniel Canogar ( visit his website here ) is a Spanish artist who does mostly video and installation projects. I presented three of his artworks to the class, beginning with one that we all read in our book: Horror Vacui. I found the differences between the description in the book (it's about dismemberment and the creation of an 'other') and what the artist himself had to say about it (it's about obsessive searching and viral multiplication) interesting.

Horror Vacui was made back in 1999, and Canogar's themes of technology and organism has evolved much since then. Circadian Rhythms is pulsating lights projected on to a wall of dead lightbulbs, a juxtaposition of a representation of electric impulses in the brain's nervous system and dead electronic waste. Sikka, a video installation where DVD content is projected onto the DVD from where the content comes from, is an attempt at bringing the dead back to life.

I think Canogar is working with some interesting themes, but without seeing his work in person I cannot say for certain how effective his projects are.

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